Sub-projects under
'Comparative Cultures of Care'
What are the historical, sociocultural, technological, and educational assumptions behind care and caring, and in what ways do these assumptions (and their root philosophies, values, and ideologies) shape the construction of the modern ambiguous “care subject” in the global context?

How do we rethink teaching and learning in precarious times marked by latent social tension, economic uncertainties, and pandemic disruptions? What would a pedagogy of care look like in HK today that would contain ideas, practices, and encounters to promote what Palahicky et al (2019) call the essential “values of care, diversity, community, and justice”?
How do we conceive of and build a digital platform aimed at cohering, conveying, and sharing the main investigations developed in this CRAC project through a critical post-reflection? How will this platform be developed not as a mere repository of the outcomes of the research, student support, and public engagements, but rather as a multipurpose tool to continue and sustain our internal and external deliberations?

What is an effective intercultural framework for mobilizing youth caring leadership that can leverage youth’s digital and gaming competence, foster their self-drive for action and change, and help to overcome social inequality?

Volunteering is a common but meaningful expression of social care, but how would it respond to the critical view that “Care is almost always characterized by asymmetries of power, ability, and resources” (Adams, 2020, 695)? In what ways is care work distinguished from charitable work, and how do young people who engage in volunteer care work conceptualize, feel, and reflect on their experience?